Save our sirius
Video Series: Sirius People
Watch our new video series sharing some stories of the people behind Save Our Sirius
Buy Sirius The Book
An extraordinary story of survival against the odds. The story of Sirius begins with the 1970s Battle for The Rocks and a Green Ban, which saved an historic precinct and a community.
This Is Sirius – Art Exhibition
Virtual art gallery from This Is Sirius – an exhibition celebrating Sirius and its residents June 2017
Sirius Store
People love Sirius, and have created artworks, tea towels, pins, and posters. Here is a collection of items available to buy online.
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Save Our Sirius Foundation
Fighting for Heritage Listing
The Sirius Foundation has been formed by people and organisations campaigning to save Sirius and its residents. Groups include: Friends of Millers Point, Millers Point Dawes Point and The Rocks Resident Action Group, Millers Point, Dawes Point and The Rocks, Public Housing Tenants Group. The Foundation, chaired by Shaun Carter (NSW Chapter President of the Australian Institute of Architects) has middle-ground solutions to save Sirius while achieving the government’s aims. The Sirius Foundation has worked with local community groups to plan events to save Sirius.