Who supports Sirius heritage listing?
The NSW Government is ignoring global expert opinion in their refusal to heritage list Sirius.
The NSW Government is ignoring global expert opinion in their refusal to heritage list Sirius.
Sirius has received the 2018 Enduring Architecture Award from the NSW Australian Institute of Architects. Accepting the award, Tao Gofers said “the story about Sirius is about people first and buildings second. Sirius is a symbol of people and communities getting together to demonstrate to governments that their actions must be tempered by concern for Read more about Sirius Wins 2018 Enduring Architecture Award from NSW Australian Institute of Architects[…]
Recently, we discovered Sirius is listed on the Government’s own heritage register. Section 170 of the NSW Heritage Act requires all government departments to create and maintain a list of heritage assets. In 1995, The Housing Department added Sirius to their s170 register, recognising the social significance of Sirius – refer to an Read more about Sirius on Governments own s170 Heritage Register[…]
PRESS RELEASE THURSDAY 3rd NOVEMBER 2016 COMMUNITY LAUNCHES LEGAL ACTION FOR SIRIUS KEY ANNOUNCEMENTS In the continued campaign to save the Sirius apartment building, the Millers Point Community Association today launched their crowd-funded legal challenge against the NSW Government. In a press conference in front of the NSW Parliament, the group announced NSW Heritage Minister Mark Speakman had Read more about Press Release: Community Launches Legal Action For Sirius[…]
The Daily Telegraph journalist, Sarah Keoghan, today covered our campaign to legally challenge the Governments decision to not list Sirius on the State Heritage Register. “SUPPORTERS of the Sirius building in The Rocks have raised over $25,000 in a week for a legal challenge against demolishing the iconic apartments. They have also accused the government of Read more about Daily Telegraph: Legal challenge to save the Sirius[…]
Architect Glenn Harper has written an important piece on Sirius for ArchitectureAU; “The Sirius apartment building is a rare and intact example of late Brutalist architecture in Australia as applied to social housing. And as a significant example of cultural heritage, it doesn’t get any better than this.” “In Speakman’s media release, there is a level of Read more about ArchitectureAU: A most Sirius matter[…]