June 13, 2018

Sirius Timeline


The Rocks Redevelopment Plan is released proposing everything north of the Cahill Expressway was to be demolished. It is reported that Premier Robert Askin wanted Sydney to become the New York of the Southern Hemisphere.

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Sydney Cove Development Authority Plans released

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The Rocks’ Residents’ Group established. Green Bans enacted by the Builders Labourers’ Federation.

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The People’s Plan is developed in October by The Rocks People’s Plan Committee: N Gruzman (Chair), Nita McRae, Meredith Walker, Eva Cox, Pat Howard, Z Nittim, N Rince, A Jakubowicz

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The Rocks Green Ban lifted with the announcement by Jack Mundey that Sirius would be built to house residents being displaced by The Rocks’ redevelopement.

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March, Sirius opens to the first public housing tenants.

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Rocking The Foundations, a film by Pat Fiske, is released. It is a historical account of the Builders Labourers’ Federation and the Green Bans. Sirius is Abigail’s home in the movie Playing Beattie Bow.

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Millers Point houses transferred from Maritime to Housing NSW

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Millers Point and Dawes Point Precinct listed on NSW State Heritage Register

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19 March, NSW Public Housing Minister Pru Goward announces Sirius will be sold as part of the sale of public housing in Millers Point. May, Housing Lotto comes to the Phillip Room 14 September, The Millers Point Spring Picnic is the first major event in the campaign to save the Millers Point community, Sirius and it’s residents.  2 November, Open Sirius coincides with Open Sydney. It includes the first Save Our Sirius exhibition 2 November, Myra’s SOS lights are installed and turned on for the first time

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19 March, event at NSW Parliament to mark the first anniversary of the announcement to sell off public housing in Millers Point and The Rocks November, Save Our Sirius Foundation formed

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22 February, Sirius if recommended for State Heritage Listing by the NSW Heritage Council. 31 July, NSW Heritage Minister Mark Speakman announces Sirius will not be listed, citing undue financial hardship. In a press release, Mr Speakman said “I am not listing it because whatever its heritage value, even at its highest that value is greatly outweighed by what would be a huge loss of extra funds from the sale of the site, funds the government intends t use to build social housing for families in great need.” 22 August, Tim Ross performs Man About The Sirius Apartments to a full house in the Phillip Room. 14 September, Twenty…

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25 March, FACS place black plastic around the Phillip Room windows 9 May, FACS install cyclone-wire fences at Sirius 6 April, NSW Land and Environment Court Hearing 8-16 June, This Is Sirius exhibition in the Annie Wyatt Room, National Trust Centre, Observatory Hill. 1 July, Jack Mundey receives Presidents Prize from NSW Australian Institute of Architects President, Andrew Nimmo. 3 July, Sirius rock posters designed by Peter Chadwick appear around Sydney 25 July, NSW Land and Environment Court Acting Justice Simon Molesworth rules in favour of the Millers Point Community Association stating ‘It is clear that the Minister side-stepped the required assesment’ and the original decision had no legal standing. The decision orders the Minister to remake the decision according to the law. 17 October, Sirius placed on watch list for the World Monuments Fund for 2018,…

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2 February, Last resident of Sirius, 92-year-old Myra Demetriou, moves out of Sirius.  16 Feb, Deadline for review of Draft SEPP for Sirius Sale 8 March, On International Womens’ Day, Myra is named Sydney Woman of the Year, nominated by MP Alex Greenwich May 25, Sirius officially listed for sale by NSW Government through Savills 

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