Key Points
- EOI for Sale of Sirius has started
- Sirius is recognised for local and international heritage significance
- Save Our Sirius will fight any plans that do not recognise the buildings cultural value
Today, the NSW Government has launched the Expression of Interest (EOI) for the sale of Sirius.
For once we agree with the Government, the Sirius site is of State Significance, it is located in a critically important part of the Rocks and of Sydney, and it is an area of high amenity. But this is also where our agreement ends.
Sirius is ideally designed and located for Key Workers to play their role in the working and functioning of our city. We again call on the NSW Government to stop the sale, deploy Sirius for Key Worker Accommodation, and list Sirius on the State Heritage Register.
The real estate agents skirt the truth when they say Sirius is not State Heritage listed. It is.
Sirius is still heritage listed on the states own s170 Heritage Register. Sirius has been recommended for State Listing by the Government’s own Heritage Council.
The heritage value of Sirius is recognised locally and internationally by:
- The Australian Institute of Architects
- The City of Sydney
- The National Trust
- World Moments Fund
- ICOMOS: International Council on Monuments and Sites
- DOCOMOMO: International Committee for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement
- Historic Houses Association (HHA)
Shaun Carter, Chair of Save Our Sirius, gives the following advice to those that are interested in buying Sirius:
“Sirius has a Green Ban placed on it. You buy this site at the risk CFMEU & Save Our Sirius will lock the site up if Sirius is not protected. We will picket line the site and disrupt any activity.
“If you intend to buy the site and demolish the building, you will have trouble from the Green Ban and Save Our Sirius.
“We strongly advise anyone interested in buying Sirius to work with us and the building’s original architect Tao Gofers, to preserve Sirius for state heritage listing. If you don’t, you run the real risk of trouble from the Green Ban, from Save Our Sirius, and from the people, cultural and heritage organisations that have been asking this government to find a better solution for Sirius.
It’s great to see Sirius be recognised for its concept of a building built for the community social housing as it was done . For me Sirius was a reaffirmation of the right of ordinary workers to decent affordable housing close to work opportunities. This was fought for and won by unions of Sydney at the time of federation of Australia in 1901 when soon after federation millers point was area was resumed first for social housing . That later became Australia’s public housing project for workers Sydney